2 - 11 July 2022, Pastor Marc Labonté and a team from Mauritius visited the church in Rodrigues.
Our brother Yvon and the whole church in Rodrigues were overjoyed to receive our brother, Marc's, visit after a lengthy isolating period caused by the pandemic.
A full programme was organised for everyone to get the most out of the time. The days were packed with meetings, rich times of fellowship, and lots of typical Rodriguaise meals.
The church benefitted from two Sunday meetings, as well as a seminar, and specific meetings for the leadership, for couples, and for the youth. As a result, the church was greatly refreshed, encouraged, and equipped, and a fresh wind from the Lord swept into everyone's heart. As one brother, Maxcy, put it :
"Personally, I found the visit from the brother very moving. It had been a long while since we had had a visit from one of the ministries, so when Marc came it brought revival in the church through the Lord's anointing on his life. Many realised the importance of stepping up to take their place, whether it be in an area of responsibility, or in their relationship with the elders, but also in their marriages and families. We were enlightened and brought a better understanding of what the Lord was asking of us in order to enter deeper into His plan, to grow, and to serve Him better."
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